
We’re building Dessn to democratize product building. Other products in the dev-design space aim to make handoff easier, mostly through process optimizations or outputting code. But if they simply output code, you still need a dev to take that code and ship it, to realize any value from it. We believe that the ultimate value add is to eliminate the handoff completely, by enabling designers to ship.
In doing so, we help devs focus on the engineering problems that they enjoy more anyway (everyone hates the “hey can you change that copy?” ticket).

This results in the two most important outcomes for a product team: higher velocity & higher quality. 
More people within your existing talent pool can suddenly ship, with practically zero learning curve = speed
Designers (specifically) shipping = UX quality

Another piece to this problem is that we currently live in different tools, speak different languages, and have different “sources of truth”. Designers, devs, and users live in three different environments: Figma, codebase, and production (respectively). Of these three, there is only one real source of truth, one that matters most: production.
When you design directly in production, within the constraints of code, designing and coding collapse - it becomes “building”. And the roles collapse; instead of PM / designer / dev, we all become product builders, working within one source of truth. 

An important part of this journey for us is to integrate into how product teams currently work, rather than create a new way of working. This is why 1) we integrate into your existing codebase (you don’t have to built on Dessn from scratch) and 2) the output of changes made through Dessn are pull requests (which is current output of any dev work)

We’ll be honest: this is a (very lol) hard problem, both technically and UX-wise. But if done successfully, is a game changer.

Join us in changing the game.

Gab & Nim